Saturday, August 15, 2009

looking back

I write with joy as I think about sharing with you from my time in the Philippines this summer. Let me tell you how I saw God answer prayer.

At the beginning of my internship, I met the group of teenagers with whom I would be working. I started praying and asking the Lord for a few girls to become friends with and invest in. Two sisters, Mary and Nora (names have been changed for their protection), were the answer to that prayer. I was able to build relationships and encourage these two sisters who come from a Muslim family. Although I don’t know if these girls are believers yet, they are seeking, and God gave us opportunities to meet their family, encourage them, and share our faith in Jesus with them.
I also was praying about the missionaries with whom God would put me. God answered my prayer in a way that surpassed all my expectations. The missionary couple that we were working with took time to teach me and invest in me. I especially learned more about Muslim ministry and missionary life.
Through the summer, I asked God for his protection. Many times I found myself crying out to him asking Him to be near. He protected me from things I’m aware of and many that I will never know about. I learned to trust him in a new way and my view of God grew as I now see Him as my Protector in a more real way than I have in the past.

I thank you with everything in me for partnering with me this summer. I was so overwhelmed and encouraged by your financial support, and your prayer support was vital for me. I don’t think I could have made it through the summer without all you prayer warriors interceding for me.
My faith was stretched by working in a Muslim community among the urban poor. I had opportunities to join in a ministry providing education, nutrition, and livelihood projects for the community, teach Scripture to believers and seekers, and build relationships with adults and teenagers. I saw that being a follower of Jesus is a huge decision and commitment that comes at a great cost. It was an honor to be able to worship with Muslim Background Believers in a house church.
At the end of August, I will be returning to Moody Bible Institute for my senior year. Lord willing, in May I will graduate with a degree in International Ministry. I’m excited to see what God’s plans are for me after graduation. Although I don’t know now what I will be doing, I do know that I am following Jesus and I’ll be going where he sends me!