Saturday, July 25, 2009

goodbye manila...

this is my last post from the philippines.
i've had a wonderful week here with my friends- i got to see their ministry, meet believers from all over asia, go swimming, and visit a spanish part of the city called intramuros. this week has been great for me to process more of what i experienced. its also been great to see a different side of manila!
im heading to the airport in a few hours. i will be in michigan for a few days of debriefing before I come home.
be looking for more pictures on here soon and a letter giving a summer overview!
thank you so much for remembering me in prayer. thanks for being my partners.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

last days.

hey blog world!
we are finishing our last days of ministry here. today we helped with the feeding program, tutoring, and then taught through Proverbs 31. There was good interaction and comprehension- what a woman to model our lives after!
Tomorrow is a day to clean and pack and then Saturday we will finish teaching Proverbs to the teenagers and then they are having a goodbye party for us. After that, we will take off. I will stay in Manila for another week with some friends, and then will be back in P-town on July 28.
Thank you for your faithful prayers, even when you didn't know exactly what to pray for. I praise God for answering my prayers for friendships- there are two sisters who have become very dear to us- we had them over to our apartment on Tuesday and I think they felt very honored and special. I pray that they have felt the love of Jesus when we are around them.
Praise God also that I'm feeling much better. I only had to miss one morning this week, and now I'm on the upswing!
Love love.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

hey friends!
this is our last week of ministry and unfortunately its been a rough start for me. i'm feeling pretty sick, so please pray for the Lord to strengthen my body so we can finish strong. tomorrow night we are having friends over which I'm so excited about so I really hope I will be feeling better for that. This week will be full of "lasts" and goodbyes. I pray that we can leave here having encouraged the believers.
Praise God that he has given me several opportunities for good conversations with the teenagers we work with. Just on Saturday, I had the opportunity to really speak TRUTH into a young girl's life. Thanks Lord!
I'm excited to come home and transition into going back to school in the fall, but the other day I started thinking how it will be hard to leave these friendships. It has taken some time to build trust, and now that we are really connecting with people, its time to leave...
thank you prayer warriors!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Savior, like a shepherd lead us...

Hey hey hey!
We finished up another week here. For these few days we are at the house of some friends in Manila for a little getaway- much needed.
We have one more week of ministry here. Please continue to pray that we would finish strong and be sensitive to the Spirit's leading. We have some ideas about what we would like to see happen, but we want to ultimately do what God has in store for our last days here.
Please pray that God would strengthen the believers here and that Satan will not cause divisions.

Friday, July 3, 2009

the china sea.

These past two days we've had a little getaway to a neighboring island. we've been snorkeling, swimming, and this morning we did a hike up a mountain. i can't tell you how refreshing it's been to get out of the city and be in nature. Do you ever feel closer to God when you are surrounded by his beautiful creation? Even when we were looking at the coral and the fish, I'm just reminded of God's creativity in creation and his power to hold all things together- he knows about all those little fish that I never would have known existed.
I'm so thankful for this time. I think its just what we needed to be able to go back and hit it hard for the last two weeks.We've come with some fellow workers and it's been wonderful to spend time with them. Their wisdom seems to overflow every time we talk. After conversations with them, I find my heart and my head ready to explode with new ideas and insights. Pray for these workers. God is using them in a mighty way and I feel honored to know them and get to spend time with them.
For our last weeks here, please pray for continued opportunities with the relationships we've built. We are hoping to have several girls over to our apartment this week. Also pray that we can be an encouragement to the believers.
sending my love across the ocean!