Sunday, July 12, 2009

hey friends!
this is our last week of ministry and unfortunately its been a rough start for me. i'm feeling pretty sick, so please pray for the Lord to strengthen my body so we can finish strong. tomorrow night we are having friends over which I'm so excited about so I really hope I will be feeling better for that. This week will be full of "lasts" and goodbyes. I pray that we can leave here having encouraged the believers.
Praise God that he has given me several opportunities for good conversations with the teenagers we work with. Just on Saturday, I had the opportunity to really speak TRUTH into a young girl's life. Thanks Lord!
I'm excited to come home and transition into going back to school in the fall, but the other day I started thinking how it will be hard to leave these friendships. It has taken some time to build trust, and now that we are really connecting with people, its time to leave...
thank you prayer warriors!


Anonymous said...

Em, we will definitely be praying for your health and that He give you a quick recovery. It is so amazing how it is in His work, that loving people knits our hearts to them,(sometimes without even knowing it). We will also pray that He will help you say goodbye to the new friends that He has sewn into your heart.

Thanks for keeping up your blog so that we can pray along side you. You are loved and missed! Mom

Anonymous said...

emmie! You're my hero. I dont know how youve stayed so strong this whole time. I pray that you recover fast as lightning and that your goodbyes won't be forever. Maybe you can come see them all again! love you with all my heart, LYD

Anonymous said...

Just read your blog. Grandpa and I will be praying so hard. Trust that you will be feeling better quickly! I'm sure your new friends will be sad to see you leave.
We will be so happy to see you!.
G and G O.

Anonymous said...

Em, we're praying that you feel better. Don't feel bad about resting -- it does a body good. Hope you recover and that your time with people this week will be rich and rewarding.

We are so eager to see you but know that God wants you to finish strong, even if you feel weak, for then He is strong.



Anonymous said...

Hi Em, Sorry to hear you are feeling sick, I know its bad timing but God will see you through it all. know that you are in our prayers, I will pray for for this young girl and pray that she will recieve what the Lord has for her I will also pray as you leave you will be blessed and see the fruit of the teams hard work. Remember He will see you through Em You are such a special person and I know that He will give you all you need. Love ya Denice